Used 1993 To 2008 Italjet R400 (Zx400) (Grey Import) - Buy 2008 Italjet R400 (Zx400) (Grey Import)
This is how we do it: We pore through every available piece of information in the marketplace.
If you're looking for the perfect ride at the perfect price (many great motorcycles sell for well under $16,700), do yourself a favor and visit our site.
This time, you can do it the right way and save!
The R400 (Zx400) (Grey Import) is a rock-solid option and one of the best Italjet products on the market.
Adelaide, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra and Darwin, SA, QLD, ACT, WA, NT, VIC, NSW and TAS, has an active used motorcycle market.
When you know the mechanical details, installed options and safety data, it's even easier to hunt down the right motorbike.